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Announcing: Sonaric Network’s First Community Call!

We just launched Sonaric Network and Sonaric AI Node, the world’s first AI node 📡

Excited? Do you have questions? Want to learn more? 

Join us for the Community Call. Mark your calendars for **June 4, 2024, at 11:00 AM PST**. 

This event marks the official launch of Sonaric Network. We will give you a live demo of the Sonaric AI Node, go over in detail on how to run and why to run it. You'll have the chance to meet key members of our team, the people behind the project. 

Event Details:

Date: June 4, 2024

Time: 11:00 AM PST

Recurring: Every Tuesday at the same time 📡

We want to bring our community along for the ride and keep you up to date with what's going on at Sonaric Network. Every Tuesday we will review the latest product developments and share insights on our progress. Our community calls will also give you a chance to ask any burning questions and provide us with your honest feedback. 

Our goal is to keep you informed and engaged as we continue to push the boundaries of blockchain and AI. Be sure to attend these if you want an exclusive first look at upcoming new features and updates – we'll announce them here before anywhere else. Whenever we can, we'll bring on special guests from our partnerships, investors, or the ecosystem at large to talk about what's next for us and what we plan to do for the web3 space together.

Join our community discord, make friends and register for the event: https://discord.gg/NTGhMAuNd2

Follow us on twitter to stay up to date: https://x.com/SonaricNetwork

Download Sonaric AI Node: https://sonaric.xyz/#install

We’re looking forward to kicking things off and can’t wait to see all our Sonars there! 📡 📡